PA Bill Number: HB274
Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.
Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: Jan 29, 2025
Latest News
Marion County Prosecutor Getting Uncomfortable Questions After FedEx Shooting Spree :: 04/25/2021
Last week we noted the manner in which Marion County Prosecutor Ryan Mears’ intentional inaction had allowed the Indianapolis FedEx spree shooter to legally buy the firearms he used. That fact spilled out into public view after Brandon Scott Hole murdered eight people and then killed himself.
Red Flag Laws Are A Red Herring When It Comes To Preventing Violence :: 04/25/2021
Give Kaiser Health News a tiny smidge of credit for even acknowledging that the red flag laws in place in Colorado and Indiana didn’t prevent targeted attacks in recent weeks, even though the laws are often offered up as a way to stop mass murderers before they begin their rampage. Kaiser Health News is generally a reliable ally of gun control organizations, but a new story from the outfit isn’t likely to garner a lot of praise from the likes of Michael Bloomberg.
Social Media's Ministry of Truth Flag Normal Picture as Sensitive Content :: 04/25/2021
USA – -( The big tech oligarchs never cease to amaze me. In 2021 it is nearly impossible to conduct business, network, and or stay in contact with people without using social media. Many of AmmoLand’s readers have put forward rather strong opinions on this subject, and like anything else related to personal policies and stances, there is no need to shame others for how they choose to conduct themselves. I use social media, as do many of the other AmmoLand contributors (including AmmoLand News).
The Strange Omission In A Message From Anti-Gun Bishops :: 04/25/2021
A couple of days ago, the group Bishops United Against Gun Violence, which is a group of more than 100 Episcopal bishops throughout the country, released a rather lengthy statement lamenting the “lack of change” in our nation’s gun control laws in the 22 years since the attack at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado.
Concealed Carry Report: Executive Gun Control Orders :: 04/24/2021
I’m proud to have the rights and privileges that our Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantee U.S. citizens. Given the uneven history of human civilization, it’s a miracle men and women of power in this nation continue to recognize these great documents as legal and binding almost a quarter of a millennium after the writing. Or do they?
Gun Records Restoration and Preservation Act - A Threat To Privacy :: 04/24/2021
The gun grabbing circus lead by Nanny Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action, Everytown, Giffords, Brady United (Handgun Control Inc.), etc. would just love to see every protection for responsible gun owners abolished. Coming from none other than Senator Bob Menendez, from the freedom crushing land of New Jersey, is S. 974: Gun Records Restoration and Preservation Act. The bill’s description is a little misleading, “To repeal certain impediments to the administration of the firearms laws.” If you start to dig through what on earth this is or might be all about, you’ll be greeted by a nice pile of legalese gobbledygook, but the intent is clear; to destroy the privacy protections for gun owners built into current law and to lay the groundwork for a national gun registry.
Montana Gov. Gianforte Signs Law Prohibiting Federal Ban on Gun Ownership :: 04/24/2021
Montana passed a new law on April 23 that will prevent the federal government from placing prohibitions on gun ownership in the state, whether by new federal law, executive order, rules, regulation, or any new interpretations of existing law.
Police shortage: Cops retiring in droves, 'recruiting crisis,' applications 'historically low' :: 04/24/2021
Following the "defund the police" movement and the "abolish the police" movement, constant negative coverage of law enforcement by the media, anti-police sentiment becoming mainstream, and the threat of riots have contributed to a police shortage across the country.
When It Comes to Gun Rights, We’ve Been ‘Arguing the Amount’ for Too Long :: 04/24/2021
Reader AC writes . . .
Democrats Pushing a Truly Radical Gun Ban Agenda in 2021, & You’re the Target :: 04/23/2021
USA – -( The fabricated “epidemic of gun violence” is “so severe and so desperate”, and the need “to take action” to address it is so urgent, that Democratic politicians from Joe Biden to Chuck Schumer to Nancy Pelosi to state representatives, mayors, and city council members are using gun control as a lever to try and force the destruction of the Senate filibuster.
Louisiana Governor Says He'll Veto Constitutional Carry Bill :: 04/23/2021
So far this year we’ve seen Constitutional Carry bills signed into law in Utah, Montana, Iowa, and Tennessee, and lawmakers in several other states are still working to get similar bills passed before their legislative sessions adjourn. Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards says, however, that even if the Republicans in control of the statehouse in Baton Rouge do send him a permitless carry bill, he’ll be wielding his veto pen as a sword to kill the measure.
State Nullification: An Idea Deeply Embedded in American History :: 04/23/2021
Nullification — whereby states nullify the effect on their citizens of unconstitutional U.S. laws — is regularly derided, but it was designed by the Founders for that very purpose.In today’s American history textbooks, nullification is treated as a fringe idea at best, and treasonous at worst. Yet not only did two of America’s greatest Founding Fathers (James Madison, the “Father” of the Constitution, and Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence) fully embrace the concept, but nullification was employed in the Northern states to restrain the federal government, as well as in the South.
Defaced Firearms & A Felon Show The Futility Of Gun Control :: 04/22/2021
There are an estimated 20,000 “gun control” laws on the books in the United States, or that was the alleged case at one time, with detractors saying there are about 300 “gun control” laws on the books. The actual number of freedom limiting laws that we have shouldn’t serve as a “we’re doing something” scoresheet, however. There could be one million laws and it would not make a difference.
Dems Rush to Pass D.C. Statehood in Power Grab that Will Threaten 2A :: 04/22/2021
U.S.A. –-( Capitol Hill Democrats are rushing to give the District of Columbia statehood, a crusade that has been going on for at least three decades and which critics insist is nothing more than a raw power grab.
Most Mass Shooters 'Dad-Deprived Males': Author Warren Farrell :: 04/22/2021
Key commonalities for most mass shooters in the United States are that they are male and that they lack a father figure in their lives, author Warren Farrell says.
Why A Magazine Ban Is Less Than Useless :: 04/22/2021
Among many efforts by anti-gunners in Congress is yet another magazine ban. They don’t like the idea of you, a private citizen, having however many rounds you want, and they’re not afraid to try and pass laws that make that so.
Poll: Support for Stricter Gun Control Drops :: 04/21/2021
Support for new gun restrictions has fallen significantly, according to a poll released on Tuesday.
Shall Not Comply vs Non-Compliance :: 04/21/2021
At times it feels like we are standing at the breach, looking into the future at a world we have long feared. On our side of the opaque wall, we observe the world around us: the various inconsistencies between the words that we use, such as freedom or liberty, and their visible contradictions presented and enforced by our fellow men and in society and government. On the other side of that hazy barrier between now and the possible future, we perceive looming shadows of tyranny, or the rippling chaos of anarchy, both of which reflect the ugly elements of human history. In it throes of such uncertainty, pithy statements do little to staunch the flow of fear of the unknown future.
The Very Real Danger of Politically Sanctioned Violence :: 04/21/2021
One of the most important and least understood elements of self-defense is the social “landscape” in which self-defense takes place. If you’re puzzled about that statement, let’s go with a blunt trauma example. You are visiting rainy London and have the misfortune to be set upon by thieves, whom you repel with your classic black British umbrella. Instead of a gold star and a funny story to tell your friends back home, you may very well be changed with the crime of carrying a weapon, which is defined ex post factoas carrying anything that is used as a weapon.
GOP Senators Introduce SHUSH Act: A Push To Deregulate Suppressors :: 04/20/2021
The dichotomy between the two major parties is borderline laughable, particularly when it comes to the right to keep and bear arms. Last week Tom Knighton reported on democrats’ push to outlaw silencers and now we’re talking about renewed efforts to deregulate silencers. The SHUSH Act was introduced in the last congress, and it was announced on April 16, 2021 that it is being introduced again. From a press release, we have the following:
13576 Total News Items