PA Bill Number: HB274
Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.
Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...
Last Action: Laid on the table
Last Action Date: Jan 29, 2025
Latest News
SCOTUS Decision on Warrantless Gun Seizure Isn’t What It’s Being Touted To Be… :: 05/18/2021
Yesterday, the internet was ablaze with articles on the U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous decision in Caniglia v. Strom, et al., docket no. 20-157, and people cheering that the U.S. Supreme Court announced the death knell not only to warrantless searches of one’s home and seizure of one’s firearms but also to red flag laws. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth and it is telling that none of the articles I have seen actually link to the decision (and three concurring opinions) or paste important parts of the decision and concurring opinions. So let’s actually review what Justice Thomas wrote for the Opinion of the Court and what the three Concurring Opinions declare.
AL: Legislator fired from Mobile Sheriff’s Dept. for Support of Second Amendment :: 05/17/2021
On 14 May, 2021, Alabama Representative Shane Stringer was fired by Mobile County Sheriff Sam Cochran because Representative Stringer is a strong proponent of Constitutional Carry in Alabama. From
Phil Rizzo Running for NJ Governor is 2A Friendly, Unlike Democrat Murphy :: 05/17/2021
)- As the gubernatorial race is just getting off the ground, I had the opportunity to chat with Phil Rizzo, one of the candidates eyeing the GOP ticket. To give you some background information on Rizzo, he is a New Jersey businessman, pastor, and one of the few holders of a New Jersey Concealed Carry Permit. Within hours of Rizzo announcing that he was running, the New Jersey gun-related social media pages were burning with questions about his stance on the Second Amendment.
Report: John Cornyn Still Talking Gun Control Behind Closed Doors :: 05/17/2021
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) is still seeking “compromise language” for Democrat gun control, the Washington Post reported.
Bad Advice Over Parental Gun Talks :: 05/16/2021
Once upon a time, I wouldn’t really have worried about the parent of one of my kid’s friends wanting to have a gun talk with me. What I mean by “gun talk” is the conversation where the other parents ask if I have guns and if they’re kept away from curious hands. I wouldn’t have worried about it because, well, people weren’t so almost universally demonized for being pro-gun.
Uh Oh: Will GOP Infighting Kill Texas' Constitutional Carry Bill? :: 05/16/2021
Constitutional carry looked like a done deal in Texas. It wasn’t.
Biden's Proposed Ghost Gun Rule Still Not Officially Published :: 05/15/2021
It was a week ago Friday that the Department of Justice and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives announced a new proposed rule to broadly redefine “frames” and “receivers” under the Gun Control Act of 1968, a move that some critics say goes too far and amounts to the agency rewriting the law itself, which is up to Congress, not the executive branch.
Subway Slashers Illustrate the Need for Armed Self Defense in New York City :: 05/15/2021
From the CCRKBA . . .
The CDC's Mask Mess Reveals Why They Can't Be Trusted On Guns :: 05/15/2021
With the Centers for Disease Control belatedly coming to the conclusion that fully vaccinated people can ditch their masks (something that’s been obvious to the rest of us for months now), it’s become clear that the only “science” the agency’s been following for months is political science. The mishandling of the agency’s guidance, and the willingness of businesses, blue state politicians, and bureaucrats to continue to adhere to it even when it was clearly overcautious to the point of paranoia is all the reason we need to keep the CDC far away from the gun control debate.
Analysis: Dogs Can't Smell Serial Numbers and the Dangers of Mindlessly Repeating Police Narratives :: 05/14/2021
Dogs, no matter how well trained, can not tell if a gun has a serial number engraved into it or not.
Media Bias: Three more episodes of The Rookie obsessed with Machine Guns, misleading claims about crime :: 05/14/2021
As the Crime Prevention Research Center has pointed out many, many times, television crime shows seem to think criminals are constantly using machine guns to commit crime. Here ABC’s The Rookie has three episodes that are obsessed with criminals using machine guns, or “assault weapons” as the show calls them (Season 3 E11 April 18, 2021; E12 April 25, 2021; and E14 May 9, 2021). These clips are just a small part of the machine guns shown being fired in these episodes.
Miami Police Missing Dozens Of Department's AR-15s :: 05/14/2021
To hear some politicians describe it, the AR-15 is the ultimate murder-death-kill machine, capable of destroying a tank or fighter jet with a single round. Plus, that round is apparently a heat-seeking round that will hunt you down and kill you, then your family, then your prom date from years before. And, it seems, the Miami Police Department is missing a number of them.
The Hypocrisy Of Preemption Opposition :: 05/14/2021
There are a lot of people out there who are opposed to the preemption of gun laws in a state. They don’t like that local governments can’t infringe on our rights without going through the state legislature. In some states, they know that’s not going to happen, so they want the laws that keep local governments from doing so repealed.
Experts Paint Grim Picture for NRA After Bankruptcy Gamble Goes Bust :: 05/13/2021
America’s largest, most influential gun group is facing down a dark future.
Gun Controllers Fail Because They Don’t Understand America’s Geographical and Cultural Ties to Fiearms :: 05/13/2021
The anti-gun Biden administration and a seemingly never-ending spate of mass shootings have resulted in renewed calls for gun control. Like so many previous failed efforts, attempts to increase restrictions on civilian gun ownership are doomed to failure. One reason for this is that proponents of increased regulations and gun control laws continually fail to understand the geographical, historical and cultural values of America’s gun culture.
Gun Historian Ashley Hlebinsky Drops Truth Bombs in ‘Ghost Gun’ Hearing :: 05/13/2021
( If U.S. senators were hoping to give a lift to the Department of Justice’s proposed rule to redefine a firearm, they underestimated Ashley Hlebinsky.
Judge Andrew P. Napolitano: Can federal judges alter the Constitution? :: 05/13/2021
"No person shall be... deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law." -- Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Last year, a detainee at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, filed a writ of habeas corpus in a federal district court in Washington, D.C. -- to which all cases from Guantanamo have been assigned -- and it was denied because he was not in the United States.
Pennsylvania Lawmakers Want To Become Sanctuary State :: 05/13/2021
A number of states have adopted legislation specifically protecting the Second Amendment from Joe Biden’s gun control agenda this year. Most such measures are basically saying they won’t help the feds enforce unconstitutional gun control laws, which is well within the state’s authority. Federal law enforcement relies heavily on local support. Without that, there’s only so much the ATF boys could do.
Fast-growing gun group launches concealed carry super PAC :: 05/12/2021
EXCLUSIVE: A national gun rights organization that says its mission is to "help responsible Americans keep their loved ones safe" is launching a super PAC in its push for concealed carry reciprocity, in which a gun owner's concealed carry permit or license is valid in states beyond the state where it was issued.
Louisville Paper's Dive Into Gun Violence Finds Interesting Facts :: 05/12/2021
The term “gun violence” isn’t popular with many in gun rights circles because it suggests that violence committed with a firearm is somehow fundamentally different than that committed with another weapon. To some degree, though, it is. Violence committed with a knife isn’t generally used to try and inhibit people from exercising their right to keep and bear arms, after all.
13576 Total News Items