PA Bill Number: HB319
Title: In hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions.
Description: In hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions. ...
Last Action:
Last Action Date: Jan 24, 2025
Latest News
Feinstein, Blumenthal Introduce Bill Targeting Armslist :: 09/18/2021
Sen. Dianne Feinstein is once again taking aim at Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, but this time she’s not going after social media platforms as she did last year with the EARN IT Act, a piece of legislation that would have required companies like Facebook and Twitter to certify that they’re in compliance federally imposed standards for detecting and reporting child sexual exploitation materials to police in order to “earn” immunity from legal challenges or criminal penalties based on posts on the platforms.
Swiss General: Europe ''On The Verge Of Civil War,'' Citizens Must Arm Themselves :: 09/18/2021
The flood of Middle Eastern “refugees” into Europe is pushing the continent into civil war, according to the head of Switzerland’s military, Lieutenant-General André Blattmann.
Constitution Day :: 09/17/2021
September 17, 2021 marks the 234th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution forged a government unique in a world of tyrants and oppressive regimes. Because of it our country has enjoyed more than two centuries of freedom, and we have the bravery and foresight of a mere handful of individuals to thank for it.
Crickets from Kamala: Man Freed by Bail Fund She Touted Charged with Murder :: 09/17/2021
Accused road rage murder suspect George Howard—now being held in Minnesota—was bailed out of jail Aug. 6 2021 by the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a project once supported by Vice President Kamala Harris, according to Fox News and other news agencies.
Pointing Out Bias Against Guns Isn't "Dragging" Anyone :: 09/17/2021
There are a lot of people who don’t like guns. Most don’t have a direct reason. They just see what’s reported on the news, hear the opinions, and decide that firearms are just too dangerous and we need more restrictions on them.
Speaking About Big Tech Alternatives With Greg Tanacea of 2A Gun Show :: 09/17/2021
Big Tech doesn’t like the online firearms marketplace. Pressure from billionaires and their gun lobby has forced banks to stop doing business with gun sellers. The government has launched attacks against legitimate businesses with things like Operation Chokepoint.
$13M Lawsuit Filed Against Portland, Mayor Wheeler in Murder of Trump Backer :: 09/16/2021
The City of Portland, Oregon, its Mayor Ted Wheeler, and Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt are named as defendants in a $13 million federal lawsuit filed by the family of Aaron “Jay” Danielson, who was fatally shot on a downtown street Aug. 29, 2020, of last year by a self-proclaimed Antifa member during last summer’s unrest.
It Shouldn't Take A Lawsuit To Exercise A Constitutional Right :: 09/16/2021
And yet all too often that’s exactly what it takes. Consider the city of Bridgeport, Connecticut, which was recently sued by the Connecticut Citizens Defense League over ungodly delays in accepting gun permit applications. Not processing them, mind you. Accepting them. Applicants have been waiting for months just to submit their paperwork, and in the meantime, it’s a crime for them to possess a gun in their home, much less carry one on the street.
Judge Denies Police Officer Qualified Immunity After Arrested of Lawful Gun Carrier :: 09/16/2021
A federal judge rejected a Connecticut police officer’s request for qualified immunity after he arrested a man for carrying his legally processed gun.
Out of our cold dead hands :: 09/16/2021
This kid could be me. “American Epidemic: Guns in the United States,” which opened last weekend at the Museum of Contemporary Photography, includes Nancy Floyd’s She’s Got a Gun—a series of portraits of gun-toting women with short wall text quotes from interviews with them.
Does The Biden Administration's Assault On The Second Amendment Amount To Treason? :: 09/15/2021
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” ~Attributed to Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.) Roman Statesman, Philosopher, and Orator, in a speech he gave to the Roman Senate in 58 BC as ‘Recorded by Sallust’ in the fictional novel ‘A Pillar of Iron,’ by Taylor Caldwell (1983), ch. 5. ~The quotation bears resemblance to Cicero’s Second Oration in the Cataline war (circa 40 b.c.)
How Anti-Gun Slimeballs Control The Narrative with Biased Mainstream Media :: 09/15/2021
I want to talk a little bit about Biden pulling the nomination of David Chipman for the Director of the ATF. I don’t want to talk so much about the actual pulling of the nomination. I want to speak on the media’s response to it being pulled, and I want to pull the curtain back a little bit and show you how anti-gun advocacy groups and the mainstream media cross paths.
Which Weapons Are Most Commonly Used for Homicides? :: 09/15/2021
With the renewed push by the federal government for an assault weapons ban, we couldn’t help but wonder, just how often are assault rifles really to blame for crimes? More specifically, how often are they used as murder weapons when compared to all of the other types of weapons available?
Atlantic Writer Promotes Culture War on Gun Ownership :: 09/14/2021
Canadian-born political commentator and George W. Bush-era speechwriter David Frum has taken a break from promoting actual wars in the Middle East to advocate for a culture war on gun ownership here at home.
Call a murder a murder :: 09/14/2021
Philadelphia had more murders in the first half of 2021 than the entire year from 2013 to 2017, denoting the grim reality that neither elected nor appointed leaders have a plan to stop the rise of violent crime in the city. Meanwhile, the media have universally labeled the seemingly uncontrolled crime uptick as a “gun violence” epidemic. By using the term “gun violence” instead of the legal definitions of murder, attempted murder, and assault, the accountability for the criminal who committed these violent crimes is semantically shifted to the mere tool they illegally used to victimize others.
The Hill: Gun Control Lobby Spends 'Tens of Millions; on Elections and Still Loses :: 09/14/2021
Gun control groups are far more influential — and well funded — than they were in previous years, slowly catching up to pro-gun organizations that held a tight grip on Washington lawmakers for decades.
Why Freedom Is in Serious Jeopardy :: 09/14/2021
There are many ways in which to divide humanity -- the decent and the indecent, the happy and the unhappy, the cowardly and the courageous, those who lead and those who follow, etc.
Biden Blames Republicans, Pledges Continued Gun Control Push After Withdrawing Chipman :: 09/13/2021
President Joe Biden released a statement Thursday in which he blamed Republicans for David Chipman’s failed nomination and pledged to continue working toward more gun control.
New Zealand: Where Self-Defense And Tourism Are Facing Extinction :: 09/13/2021
Within one of the globe’s most aggressive nanny states, where citizens and the economy have endured a stifling series of Covid-19 related lockdowns mandated, the people of New Zealand face a bureaucratic inferiority complex, and basic rights hang in the balance. The tyrannical head of the unitary style of government, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is once again raising eyebrows in the true free world, as the latest viral scoop to originate on the island nation is that a grocery store chain has decided to remove knives and scissors from its shelves in a curiously insufferable response in the wake of what authorities have labeled a violent terrorist attack.
NJ Gov Talks Tough On Guns, But SCOTUS May Have The Last Word :: 09/13/2021
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is bolstering his gun control bona fides ahead of Election Day in November, but no matter how much he sings the praises of the state’s draconian gun laws, the Supreme Court is getting ready to deal with several cases that could have a huge impact on the Second Amendment rights of residents.
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