proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB319

Title: In hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions.

Description: In hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Jan 24, 2025

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Let Them Destroy Each Other :: 09/23/2021

There’s something so satisfying about seeing liberals in a sissy slap fight with other liberals – you just want to grab up a bowl of popcorn, pop some frosty brews, and egg them on. The good news is that there’s going to be more of this coming because of the nature of the Democrat coalition – it is less an ideological alliance than a bunch of interest groups united by their shared perception that the GOP is against what is in their respective interests. When their interests collide, which they will necessarily do, then the fun begins.


Multiple Dangers To Second Amendment From Biden IRS Proposal :: 09/23/2021

Washington, D.C. – -( Many Second Amendment supporters haven’t heard of the Biden Administration’s proposal to greatly widen IRS reporting requirements regarding bank accounts. In essence, if you have more than $600 in your account, or you make more than $600 in transactions in a year, the bank has to report the transactions to the IRS. That’s just about everybody.


Parents Upset Over Booster Club Gun Raffle :: 09/23/2021

Schools and school groups often need money, which necessitates fundraisers. How many of us remember selling magazines or candy bars (or whatever else) so we could get some cheesy prizes and the school could get some much-needed funds?


Alleged Former Everytown Employee Says Group Doesn't Want to End Shootings :: 09/22/2021

Many in the pro-gun community have long believed that those at the top of some anti-gun groups don’t really care about violent crime victims, but are simply trying to enrich themselves through donations from people who do really care.


Chicago To Refund Police After Defunding Leads To Disaster :: 09/22/2021

Last year, the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the ensuing riots and unrest lead cities all across the country to cut police funding. It seems local police were to blame for the error of a single officer in a completely different community. It never made sense to me, but it happened nonetheless. One of those cities was Chicago.


Data Study: 18 Months of Ammo Sales during a Pandemic, Protests, and the Biden Presidency :: 09/22/2021

In our previous data study on the initial effects of the pandenmic on our business, we outlined increased sales due to the public’s growing leeriness of COVID-19, starting from February 23, 2020 when the news coverage became ominous.


Almost half of new gun buyers women: research :: 09/21/2021

Nearly half of all new U.S. gun buyers since the start of 2019 were women, according to new data, a tremendous shift in the historically male-dominated market.


Gun rights advocates call on Pa. Senate to act on bills to advance Second Amendment rights :: 09/21/2021

Gun rights advocates have their aim focused on the Senate to advance legislation that would free up government restrictions on their right to carry a firearm.


Leak Shows The ATF Starting To Investigate COVID Relief Fraud :: 09/21/2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.-( A leak provided to AmmoLand News by our inside sources shows the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is starting to investigate COVID relief fraud.


University Pres, Activist Scolds, Try to Take "Come and Take It" Battle Cry :: 09/21/2021

U.S.A. -( Long a slogan of defiance and independence, it is little wonder that the phrase “Come and take it” now finds itself falling into disfavor with a new generation of busybodies and penny-ante authoritarians. The latest is Taylor Eighmy, president of the University of Texas, San Antonio (UTSA). Eighmy announced to the campus community on Sept. 7 that UTSA would no longer support the use of the phrase as an official rallying cry for the school’s football team or athletic department. “[W]e will identify the use of this phrase in our digital environment, in licensed merchandise, and in our buildings and playing fields, and will systematically and appropriately remove it,” Eighmy wrote.


Do Guns Still Need Their Own Tax Agency? :: 09/20/2021

BATFE was set up as "revenooers"

Withdrawal of partisan agency candidate Chipman reveals lack of need


Gun Grabbers Outraged At Suggestion Asian-Americans Should Get Guns :: 09/20/2021

We hear an awful lot about anti-Asian hate crimes. Asian-Americans are being targeted for violent crime, and it often appears to be because they’re Asian. This is a significant problem. Anytime anyone is targeted because of their ethnicity, it’s a problem.


Guns are Used Responsibly in the United States :: 09/20/2021

The most effective lie is the lie by omission. Tell part of the truth but not all of it. This propaganda technique works particularly well with an audience eager to believe the lie.


Teen Arrested For Gun Possession Now Charged With Murder :: 09/20/2021

To hear some lawmakers talk about it, having a gun illegally is tantamount to a crime against humanity. Guns are supposedly the great scourge in American cities and something simply has to be done about them, which is why constitutional carry is some great unmitigated evil.


David Hogg: Second Amendment Is Collective Right :: 09/19/2021

If you want a hot take on guns and gun rights that probably has no resemblance to reality, you should follow David Hogg’s Twitter feed sometime. Of course, it’s also a place with a lot of stupid that’ll probably cause you to give yourself a concussion with the constant overwhelming need to smack your forehead.


Note on Gun Non-Debate :: 09/19/2021

Forgive me for revisiting that Gail Collins New York Times column I examined yesterday, but I think it is important to understand the extent to which this kind of ignorance and bigotry shapes the gun-control conversation. Here’s a selection from the comments section on that column. Comments sections are a mixed bag, at best, but this particular remark bears the endorsement of both Gail Collins and the New York Times:


Salon's Latest Hit Piece On Gun Makers Misses The Mark :: 09/19/2021

The gun control lobby has been engaged in a concerted effort to destroy the firearms industry for decades now, and in recent years one of their chief tactics has involved focusing on how gun companies market their product. The anti-gunners claim that the gun industry is engaged in all kinds of nefarious plots to get kids addicted to shooting, but the “evidence” they tout doesn’t match their inflamed rhetoric.


Shooting In China Illustrative Of Gun Control's Failures :: 09/19/2021

I’m not a fan of the government of China. Totalitarian dictatorships that try to gaslight the entire planet over their atrocities tend to rub me wrong for some silly reason.


Bloomberg's Everytown Opens Checkbook to Help McAuliffe, Dems Win VA Election :: 09/18/2021

Anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety will reportedly spend more than $1.8 million in an effort to help elect Democrat Terry McAuliffe as governor. IMG iStock


CCRKBA: Report That More Women Are Buying Guns Is Not Surprising :: 09/18/2021

A report in the Wall Street Journal showing that nearly half of all new gun buyers since January 2019 are women is not surprising, considering efforts to defund police agencies, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.


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