proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB319

Title: In hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions.

Description: In hunting and furtaking licenses, further providing for resident license and fee exemptions. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Jan 24, 2025

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Treason: Tyranny Of Government Is Treachery To A Nation’s People :: 10/08/2021

Tyranny is here, in America. It is here now, today. That this is so, is indisputable, irrefutable fact; unsettling and distressing as this fact may be to contemplate.


Why Resilience and Personal Defense Are Your Greatest Assets :: 10/08/2021

Given today’s challenging times, more and more people consider relying on their own personal resources to make it through. What can you keep in your proverbial tool kit to help galvanize your own self-trust, burgeoning skills and personal confidence? The answer is personal resilience and self-defense.


ATF Whistleblower Exposes Rampant Fraud :: 10/07/2021

A Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) whistleblower exposed Bureau administrative employees fleecing the American taxpayers for possibly millions of dollars.


Chicago Politicians Play Crime Blame Game :: 10/07/2021

Insanity is repeating the same failing action but expecting success. Chicago Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot is facing a perpetual crime problem and she continues to eliminate law enforcement positions and blame others.


Teachers Unions Use TX Shooting To Push For Gun Control :: 10/07/2021

We don’t yet know how the 18-year old suspect in Wednesday’s shooting at an Arlington, Texas high school obtained the handgun he used to would two people (two others suffered non-gunshot injuries), but we do know this: a universal background check law wouldn’t have stopped him. There’s nothing proactive or preventative about those laws at all. They can’t stop any gun from changing hands, only apply criminal charges after the fact.


Anti-Gun Mayor Avoids Felony Gun Charge, Prison Thanks To Plea Deal :: 10/06/2021

Rochester, New York Mayor Lovely Warren will not be going to trial on charges of illegal possession of a weapon after all, despite the fact that police discovered unregistered firearms in her home and a grand jury indicted both her and her husband on felony weapons and child endangerment charges back in July.


Former ATF Employee Blows Whistle On Alleged Agency Fraud :: 10/06/2021

Many administrative employees of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives are drawing bigger paychecks than they’re allowed by law, at least according to a whistleblower who’s come forward with details of fraud and abuse within the agency. CBS News was the first to report on the allegations by a now-former employee, who says he was dismissed from his job after alerting his superiors to the wrongdoing.


Gun Control On The Verge of Passing In The Senate :: 10/06/2021

Congress is attempting to pass “red flag” gun confiscation orders and other gun control measures in the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA).


This Group Wants the Feds to Ban Campus Carry :: 10/06/2021

Since the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting of unarmed students and faculty, there has been a steady shift in favor of self-defense rights on college campuses, with “campus carry” being legalized in roughly a dozen states.


Brady United Launches Digital Campaign To End The Filibuster :: 10/05/2021

The Brady United organization has started an online ad campaign called “The Filibuster is Killing Us” to end the filibuster in the United States Senate on Monday.


Elite Media Can't Stop Lying About Guns in America :: 10/05/2021

The mainstream media lies to us. They feed us propaganda. They don’t want us to know that gun ownership is widespread and that armed defense is common. I was at a conference for minor-media this weekend. There, an associate talked about being turned away from most of his local news stations because “we don’t run pro-gun stories. No self-defense.” Let me show you where the propaganda starts at the top.


Schumer Calls on Feds to Speed Up Crackdown on Ghost Guns :: 10/05/2021

It’s the wrong kind of spooky season. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer wants the federal government to more quickly implement rules to curb untraceable so-called “ghost guns,” as NYPD seize more and more of the unregistered firearms.


UVA Poll: Almost Half Of Voters Ready To Break Up U.S. :: 10/05/2021

The deep political divides between the left and the right are inescapable these days, and as the fractures grow sharper the idea of giving up on our current form of government and starting anew is apparently becoming more appealing to many of us. According to a new poll by the University of Virginia and Project Home Fire, about half of those who voted for Donald Trump say they’re ready for red states to secede and start their own country. Biden voters aren’t far behind, with more than 40% of those who cast a ballot for the Democrat saying the same.


Anti-Gun ATF Nominee Chipman Will Not Go Quietly :: 10/04/2021

Disgraced Biden nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), David Chipman, seems determined to prove his detractors correct. After he was withdrawn for consideration for the post, he began a campaign of trying to shift the blame of his failure to be confirmed from his abysmal record to others; including his sponsor.


Anti-Gun Media Panicking Over SCOTUS Decisions :: 10/04/2021

Anti-Second Amendment activists were pretty happy last November. They gained the House, an effective majority in the Senate, and the new president ran on gun control. It looked as if everything were looking up for them.


Gun Extremism Costs Massachusetts Millions as Smith & Wesson to Move :: 10/04/2021

Gun control extremism by state lawmakers in Massachusetts just cost the Bay State hundreds of jobs and possibly millions of dollars in revenue as Smith & Wesson announced this week it is moving a large part of its operation to Tennessee.


If RFID Can Aid Enemies, What Does It Say About Smart Guns? :: 10/04/2021

RFID technology is really interesting. It has a plethora of uses in business, uses that are downright genius.However, like so much other technology, there’s a dark side to it. Especially when it’s used in ways that go beyond what the originators may have intended.


DRGO: A 1328 Law for the 21st Century? :: 10/03/2021

Much is made of the 1328 Statute of Northampton to minimize or even to deny the right to bear arms. Northampton seems to be the core of the 9th Circuit’s opinion in Young v Hawaii.  Northampton is sited by the State of New York in NYSR&PA v Bruen. The latest I’ve seen is a short essay by Jonah Skolnic last week at the Duke Center for Firearms Law’s blog. But I am unconvinced that an English royal decree issued nearly 700 years ago should so influence our contemporary interpretation of the Second Amendment.


Inspector General Says Illinois State Police Violating State FOID Law :: 10/03/2021

Since the start of the COVID pandemic, wait times for Illinois residents who want to become legal gun owners have stretched out for six months or more. That’s because Illinois requires all legal gun owners to possess a Firearms Owner ID card, but the Illinois State Police aren’t processing applications within the 30-day window required under state law. So far the agency’s been able to get away with it by claiming that it’s working on the problems, which were caused by circumstances outside of its control, but a new report by the state’s Inspector General reveals the problems predate the pandemic.


Pennsylvania: The unbreakable will of a Cumberland County town :: 10/03/2021

LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP, Pennsylvania — Sometimes, a community’s relationship with its culture and its people is so strong it can withstand anything that tries to break it apart. Such durability is a testimony to the sense of what Americans have within their communities.


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