PA Bill Number: HR21
Title: A Concurrent Resolution calling for a convention under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to consider amendments that limit the ...
Description: A Concurrent Resolution calling for a convention under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to consider amendments that limit the ...
Last Action:
Last Action Date: Jan 23, 2025
Latest News
Why Gun Storage Laws Would Do More Harm Than Good :: 12/12/2021
Shortly after the Oxford High School shooting last Tuesday, politicians started calling for more gun control.
China Threatens to Shoot U.S. Troops Who Come to Taiwan’s Assistance :: 12/11/2021
The Chinese military “will heavily attack U.S. troops who come to Taiwan’s rescue” if China invades Taiwan, a conflict that has appeared more likely in recent days as the communist regime has flexed its muscles on Taiwan’s borders.
LA District Attorney: Criminals Are The Real Victims :: 12/11/2021
In California, there’s a mechanism prosecutors can use to punish people found guilty of certain crimes more. These sentence enhancements basically add years to various criminals’ sentences. Of course, they can’t just be handed out like nasty candy. It has to go through the judge and so on, but it’s a useful tool.
Michigan Shooter’s Parents Did The Second Amendment No Favors :: 12/11/2021
Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with Oakland County, Michigan, prosecutor Karen McDonald’s decision to charge the parents of the alleged perpetrator of the shooting at Oxford High School, there is one thing that loyal Ammoland readers should be able to agree on: These parents did the Second Amendment no favors.
Stanford’s John Donohue on Guns, Mass Shootings, and the Law in the U.S. :: 12/11/2021
On November 30, American students were once again the victims of a school shooting—this time in Oxford, Michigan where a 15-year-old killed four of his classmates and injured seven others. The Oxford prosecutor has charged the parents with involuntary manslaughter, opening up new legal ground in these all too frequent and peculiarly American episodes of mass murder. Here, gun law expert Professor John Donohue discusses the case and gun violence in the U.S.
Democrats introduce gun safety bills in wake of Oxford shooting, push for more than 'thoughts and prayers :: 12/10/2021
LANSING, MI — A Democratic Senator who represents the district that includes Oxford, Michigan, is pushing a series of new gun control bills that would limit the sale of gun magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.
Political Pearl-Clutching Over Permitless Carry Won't Stop Its Progress :: 12/10/2021
“BITS” is a term that firearm attorney Evan Nappen uses to describe the impending doom that was described in the late 80’s in Florida. They screamed from the rooftops and all across the land that there’ll be “Blood In The Streets!” Three and a half decades later, Florida, the Gunshine State, is not covered in blood. Death and pestilence is not around every corner. In fact, Florida has been and continues to be one of the more popular states to move to and visit.
Virginia Citizens Defense League Lobby Day 2022 Preliminary Information :: 12/10/2021
First, some background. In 2019, anti-self-defense Democrats took control of the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates. They already had control of the Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General positions. That led to a massive push for localities to protect the rights of gun owners at the end of 2019, as gun owners rightfully feared what would be coming. Over 105,000 gun-owners across the state flooded their city hall, town hall, or Board of Supervisors meetings, demanding their right to keep and bear arms be protected against unconstitutional gun-laws by having the locality declare itself a Second Amendment Sanctuary. 95% of the localities became sanctuaries in a wave that swept the state and made national and international news!
88-Year-Old Man Killed By Police During Wellness Check :: 12/09/2021
Sometimes, when families or friends don’t hear from someone for a while, they’ll call the police and ask them to do a wellness check. Basically, they just want to make sure the person in question is doing alright.
Activists Shoot Themselves in the Foot Over Ammo Ban :: 12/09/2021
Sometimes the best thing to do when activists attack is to let their arguments fall under their own weight. That’s what happened when Environmental Health News (EHN) published a series on traditional ammunition.
Could Constitutional Carry Reach a Tipping Point? :: 12/09/2021
A new bill proposed by Republican Representative Anthony Sabatini is getting pushback from some Republicans. The bill HB 103 would allow Florida residents 18 years and older to carry a handgun open or concealed without a license in Florida. This is commonly known as Constitutional Carry.
Understanding How Gun Control Hurts Ordinary People :: 12/09/2021
We are told that gun control is meant to impact criminals. While it’s going to make life difficult for ordinary Americans, well, that’s just collateral damage, but isn’t that’s just the price we need to pay if we want to reduce crime, right?
Anti-Gun Sen. Murphy ‘Willing to Settle for Less Aggressive Gun Reform’ :: 12/08/2021
Anti-gun U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), apparently trying to appear magnanimous, told CNN Sunday he is “willing to ‘settle’ for less aggressive gun control reform” in an effort to “save lives,” is fulfilling a prediction made just days ago in AmmoLand that the Michigan school shooting would quickly be exploited to push the gun prohibition agenda.
Did DeSantis Promise To Sign Constitutional Carry Bill? :: 12/08/2021
Floridian gun rights activists have been pushing for open carry for quite some time. While they want constitutional carry just like everyone else, they’ll likely be happy enough to get open carry. In fact, when I was attending an event down there, many of them were obviously carrying but had a kind of sock covering their firearms as a statement over the fact that they couldn’t carry openly. It was an intentionally half-assed concealment job and that was kind of the point.
Gun Control Prevents Citizens From Defending Themselves In An Increasingly Dangerous America :: 12/08/2021
For many Americans, the last 24 months or so have likely comprised the most difficult span of time they’ve ever faced. Our nation was pummeled by a pandemic, economic downturn, and political and social upheaval.Yet when the history of 2020-2021 is written, the most shocking and infuriating aspect should be that federal and state laws prevented Americans from protecting themselves against the violent riots that erupted around the country.
Leak Shows ATF Is Trying to Force FFLs Into Digitizing 4473 :: 12/08/2021
According to a leak provided to AmmoLand News and verified by a second leak from a Gun Owners of America (GOA) source, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) will stop issuing variances allowing for offsite storage of 4473 forms.
NBC News Rats Out More of the Gun Community :: 12/07/2021
A sad fact about gun control politics is that if you are cynical enough you can darn near see the future.
Pennsylvania's Constitutional Carry Law is Common Sense :: 12/07/2021
The same predictions of doom and bloodshed keep coming from gun-control activists. They warn us of pending disaster should Pennsylvania become the 22nd state to adopt so-called constitutional carry rules that would allow law-abiding adults who legally own a handgun to conceal-carry it without a permit. Thirty-four states, including Pennsylvania, already allow open carry without a permit.
Rittenhouse Case The Lies and the Truth :: 12/07/2021
A sobbing Kyle Rittenhouse collapsed after a jury acquitted him on all counts related to his shooting and killing two men, and wounding a third, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during the Jacob Blake riots last year. But he wasn’t the only American relieved, or perhaps even surprised, given that the jury deliberated almost four full days. And though the jury’s message was clear — communist mobs will not be permitted to destroy cities and brutalize people who stand against them — it didn’t just spare Rittenhouse from life in prison.
Survey Finds Common Ground On Gun Control :: 12/07/2021
Right now, our nation is seriously divided. I won’t say it’s worse than ever, mostly because we’ve had an actual shooting civil war and we’re not in one at the moment, but it’s pretty bad. Finding common ground is next to impossible, it seems. Especially around certain subjects, like gun control.
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