proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB274

Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.

Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...

Last Action:

Last Action Date: Jan 22, 2025

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Utah woman sues to get Second Amendment rights back :: 12/19/2020

WASATCH COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) – A Wasatch County woman is suing the state to get her gun rights back.

In 2008, Melynda Vincent plead guilty to a federal felony for attempting to negotiate a false check in the amount of $498.12 at a Salt Lake City grocery store, according to the lawsuit.

Since then, Vincent “conquered her addiction and forged a new life,” getting not only a bachelor’s degree, but a master’s degree, “and then another.”

Vincent also started a non-profit organization, Utah Harm Reduction Coalition, to help others avoid her path, according to the lawsuit.

“Put simply, Melynda Vincent redeemed herself. Like many others, she had lived a life derailed by drugs,” the lawsuit continues.

The lawsuit seeks to allow Vincent to regain her Second Amendment rights.

“Current statutes commanding perpetual punishment with no hope of redemption poorly serve the proper understanding of the Second Amendment.”

The lawsuit continues,

“In 2008, Ms. Vincent plead guilty to a federal felony for attempting to negotiate a false check in the amount of $498.12 at a Salt Lake City grocery store. There was nothing violent about her offense; instead, it was the desperate act of a woman under the throes of drug addiction. Ms. Vincent’s crime is not the type of offense that allows legislatures to permanently deprive her of her Second Amendment rights. Ms. Vincent now brings this lawsuit to remove the Scarlet Letter imposed by current law and to restore rights that can no longer be indiscriminately withheld by legislative fiat.”

Court records show summons have been delivered to U.S. Attorney General William Barr and Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes. No future appearances have been scheduled at this time.