PA Bill Number: HR21
Title: A Concurrent Resolution calling for a convention under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to consider amendments that limit the ...
Description: A Concurrent Resolution calling for a convention under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to consider amendments that limit the ...
Last Action:
Last Action Date: Jan 23, 2025
Poll: Majority of American Adults Want Stricter Enforcement of Existing Gun Laws :: 02/07/2022
A poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports shows that 63 percent of American adults believe the country needs stricter enforcement of existing gun laws.
The poll of American Adults was conducted January 30-31, 2022.
According to Rasmussen, 54 percent of American adults specifically support enforcement of existing laws as the solution to gun violence, while 26 percent supported passing more laws.
When the responses are broken down by party affiliation, 63 percent of Democrats support the passage of more gun laws, while only 25 percent of Republicans do. “Sixty-nine percent of Republicans, 28 percent of Democrats and 53 percent of the unaffiliated say the country doesn’t need stricter gun laws.”
Second Amendment Foundation founder and executive vice president Alan Gottlieb reacted to the Rasmussen poll, saying, “Clearly, the American majority and Joe Biden are on different tracks. It is disappointing, but not surprising, that 63 percent of Democrats want stricter gun control laws, suggesting the party may be out of touch with the majority of Americans as well.”
The heightened support for enforcement of existing laws versus passage of new ones is aligned with the findings of other polls in recent months.
For example, on November 17, 2021, Breitbart News reported a Gallup survey showing support for stricter control was at its lowest point since 2014.