proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HR21

Title: A Concurrent Resolution calling for a convention under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to consider amendments that limit the ...

Description: A Concurrent Resolution calling for a convention under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to consider amendments that limit the ...

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Last Action Date: Jan 23, 2025

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Illinois gun control not making Chicago trains safer :: 03/04/2022

The state of Illinois is one of the more gun-controlled states in the nation, and much of that is because of Chicago. Sure, they haven’t passed local measures since the Supreme Court smacked them around, but they have a huge influence on state politics due to their sheer size.

And gun control advocates in Chicago keep saying that the city needs gun control, otherwise things would be just too unsafe.

I suppose they mean like the CTA trains?

It has been a violent week for passengers on CTA trains – with attacks and armed robberies having happened on two consecutive nights.

As CBS 2’s Jermont Terry reported Thursday night, it is all leaving many to question just how safe they are while they are on board.

Overnight Wednesday into Thursday, someone was robbed on the Red Line near the 47th Street station along the Dan Ryan Expressway. But the victim did not find a police officer until the train pulled into the Roosevelt station four miles to the north.

The Roosevelt stop is pretty well lit. But these attacks are happening at all hours.

Mimi Sarne was also attacked recently, on a Red Line subway platform right downtown.

“State Street’s not a great street for me anymore,” she said.

Sarne will stick to waiting on the CTA bus, since she is no longer comfortable riding the ‘L’ at all.

“Because people are continuing to get robbed,” she said.

“Whatever they’re doing, the CTA – it’s not working,” Sarne said.

Now, understand that a lot of this violence isn’t people getting shot. For some, that counts as a gun control win.

It’ isn’t.

See, gun control restrains the law-abiding more than anyone else. These are the people being beaten and stabbed, people who could have defended themselves but for the issues with the Illinois gun control system and the anti-gun rhetoric being bandied about the media so uncritically.

What we can clearly see is that people aren’t less violent simply because they don’t have guns for whatever reason. On the contrary, they know they can be as violent as they want because no one else will have a gun either.

It’s open season on good, decent folks and they know it.

But put a gun in the hands of one of those good, decent folks, and everything changes. Now, suddenly, the prey can fight back. That’s no fun for the bad guys, which is kind of the point. Their definition of “fun” is usually anything but for the other side.

The issues with CTA are what they are, but they’re brought about in part by a pronounced anti-gun attitude that pretends anyone with a gun is a danger to the community. Nothing could be further from the truth and the only ones who really capitalize on it are people you’d prefer not capitalizing on anything.

Put some concealed carriers on that train empowered by laws that allow them to protect life and you’ll see things change quick, fast, and in a hurry. We all know it to be true.