proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB274

Title: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence.

Description: In compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. ...

Last Action: Laid on the table

Last Action Date: Jan 29, 2025

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Father JAILED for Not Addressing His Daughter as a Boy :: 03/20/2021

“You fundamentally can’t change sex,” said ex-“transsexual” Alan Finch in 2004. “Transsexualism was invented by psychiatrists.” Yet a judge in Canada apparently not only thinks she knows better, but is trying to force a father to facilitate his 14-year-old daughter’s “gender transition.”

In fact, the judge has just had him arrested for refusing to address his girl using masculine pronouns.

As OpIndia reports:

Robert Hoogland, a father of a teenage girl, has been jailed by a Canadian court for calling his biological female child his “daughter,” and referring to her with the pronouns “she” and “her.” Hoogland was found to be in contempt of court.

At the heart of Hoogland’s miseries is a gender non-conforming 14-year-old … female who identifies as transgender and prefers the use of male pronouns. Hoogland repeatedly called the person as his daughter, even after [the] court proscribed him from doing it.

As a result, the Attorney General of British Columbia issued an arrest warrant for contempt, following which Hoogland surrendered himself to the court on Tuesday at 10 am. He was arrested and taken to jail.

For a little more background, in December 2020 British Columbia Supreme Court Justice Francesca Marzari ordered Hoogland to facilitate in his daughter’s so-called “transitioning” and was told to no longer refer to her as female.  

Unfortunately for the father, his wife and what now can only be loosely called the Canadian “medical” system are on-board with the child abuse euphemistically termed “social and medical gender transitioning.” And since a sane man seems sick in an asylum, the court actually told Hoogland that his continued pronoun probity would render him guilty of “family violence.” Hence his arrest, as per Justice Marzari’s orders.

Note here that an increasing number of youths are pursuing “transitioning,” only to regret it later. Their suicide rate is very high, and it’s no wonder. As one of them, identified only as “Nathaniel,” put it in 2019, “I feel as though I have ruined my life.”

Tragically, Hoogland’s daughter fits this pattern, too, as she’s apparently one of many kids subject to sexual devolutionary manipulation. Just consider what Breitbart reports:

Hoogland had previously discovered that his daughter’s school had been showing her sexual and gender identity education materials known as “SOGI 123,” which the report referred to as transgender “propaganda videos.”

By the 7th grade, the school had changed his daughter’s name in the yearbook without telling her parents, and “socially transitioned” her with the input of gender ideologue psychologist Wallace Wong, who advised the pubescent child to take testosterone.

The report adds that Wong referred Hoogland’s daughter to the endocrinology unit at the local hospital, and that a “treatment” plan was put into action on her first visit.

“Here I am, sitting there as a parent, watching a perfectly healthy child be destroyed, and there’s nothing I can do but sit on the sideline — and according to Justice Boden at the time, cheer it on,” Hoogland said in an interview last year. “I can only affirm, or get thrown in jail” .

In other words, a child often can’t get an aspirin without parental consent. But he can pursue body- and life-rending “treatments” — as long as they accord with the sexual devolutionary agenda — not only without consent, but contrary to his parent’s will.

Famed Canadian psychology professor Jordan Peterson, who’d also been targeted by the pronoun police, pointed out (tweet below) that he’d warned about persecution of the kind Hoogland is enduring.

So the court ordered that the girl should continue taking testosterone and that the father should act as if he has none and meekly comply with craziness. The court, however, “was gracious enough to say that they could not police my thoughts,” Breitbart also reports Hoogland as saying. (Just give it time; the authorities just have to wait for science to provide a mind-reading device.)

But they sure are policing his speech, as Peterson also noted:

(Apropos to this, I’ve just been suspended by digital platform Twitter.)

Hoogland points out that the sexual devolutionaries want parents such as him to accept delusion. He wants to know, however, what will happen when the delusion ends. “This will not change her DNA; she cannot become a boy,” he said, before outlining the manifold health problems his daughter’s “transition” could cause. She will never be able to be a normal girl again.

What’s more, “Is BC Children’s Hospital going to be there in 5 years when she rejects her [MUSS — Made-up Sexual Status]?” Hoogland has also asked. “No, they’re not. They’ don’t care,” he continued. “They want numbers.”

Tragically, they’ve got them, too, as ever larger numbers of children are claiming a MUSS precisely because it has become an establishment- and popular-culture-fired fad. Yet the numbers also say that Hoogland’s daughter will likely have terminal regrets in five years, as studies show that among sexually confused youths, upwards of 80 percent of girls and 90 percent of boys will return to normalcy if there’s no “medical intervention.”

That term is quoted because, as I’ve said for years, there’s no good science behind the MUSS agenda (explanation here). Yet it’s more than just unscientific — it’s ungodly.

As commentator Milo Yiannopoulos — who has just righted his own sexual ship — recently said of MUSS individuals, “They are the Galli, the castrated priests of Cybele, the Magna mater, whom Augustine saw dancing in the streets of Carthage dressed like women.”

To be clear, any person suffering nobly with “gender dysphoria” deserves nothing but compassion. As one such individual wrote online, “I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.” But anyone who’s pushing the MUSS agenda on kids (and not all such abusers are MUSS individuals), is acting wholly contrary to God’s plan and nature’s norm: “Male and female He made them….”

This is no doubt why, do consider, Satan was portrayed as androgynous in the symbolically clever 2004 film The Passion of the Christ (video below).

The MUSS agenda is neither scientifically nor theologically sound. And when you’re telling little boys and girls that a fundamental division in nature is meaningless and they can switch sexes at will, well, you just may want to consider that you’re on the wrong side